20. Shelley Brander - Loops Productions

Written by Robert Wagner, CPA, Advisory Partner | Apr 13, 2020 2:18:00 PM

Shelley Brander is the Founder and CEO of Loops Productions, a luxury yarn boutique that offers a brick and mortar storefront and produces online, instructional classes that are consumed around the world. Loops Productions is a Tulsa-based company that has rapidly grown their online and global presence.

Fifteen years ago, Shelley launched Loops Productions, with plans to establish a franchise model. She saw a need for classes that connect people, not only locally, but all around the world, so Shelley launched LoopsClub, a membership to a virtual community with celebrity yarn professionals.

In this episode, Shelley discusses creating an empathetic brand, creating a genuinely impactful business, and how she continues to evolve as a leader amid all of her responsibilities.

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