75. Leigh Richardson - The Brain Performance Center - How to Support and Improve Mental Health
July 25, 2022 •Robert Wagner, CPA, Advisory Partner

Leigh Richardson is the Founder and Clinical Director of The Brain Performance Center in Dallas, Texas, where she utilizes her MBA, MS, Counseling, and board certifications to offer state of the art solutions for “brain problems”. She’s also an international speaker and the author of Turn Your Brain On to Get Your Game On.
Leigh has studied human behavior for over 30 years, initially focused on organizational behavior and then shifting to human behavior after one of her sons suffered a traumatic brain injury. Whether it’s anxiety, ADHD, depression, insomnia, or brain injury, Leigh’s understanding of the brain and the different methodologies that can be used to organically change the brain is spectacular. She truly is creating great social change around mental health.
In this episode, Leigh discusses the role of stress and mental health in the workplace and the business community, along with what leaders can do to improve and support the mental health of their employees.
Richardson sheds light on what leaders, and business owners, should be learning about the impacts of mental illness and how to talk to your employees about mental health. She gives insight into her best practices for prioritizing mental health in your organization, the power of creating a sense of community and “soul care” in the workplace, and the importance of preventative mental healthcare. Plus, she breaks down the concept of neural feedback and what it teaches us about the brain.
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Leigh Richardson:
But we don't want to talk about, oh, you can't come in today because you can't get out of bed? You have to leave because you're so anxious? We tend to kind of ignore those things.
The good news is, is that we are talking about it. The question I have is, are we talking about it enough? I think that there's various answers for that.
Robert Wagner:
From HoganTaylor CPAs and Advisors, I'm Robert Wagner and this is How That Happened, a business and innovation success podcast.
Each episode of the show, we sit down with the business and community leaders behind thriving organizations, to learn how business and innovation success actually happens.
Our guest today is Leigh Richardson. Leigh has studied human behavior for over 30 years, initially focused on organizational behavior and then shifting to human behavior, after one of our sons suffered a traumatic brain injury. We'll be talking about that as we go along today.
Leigh is the founder and clinical director of the Brain Performance Center in Dallas, Texas. She uses her MBA, MS, counseling and board certifications to offer state-of-the-art solutions for brain problems.
Leigh is the author of Turn Your Brain on to Get Your Game on. She's an international speaker, as well as a popular syndicated radio host.
Leigh is a regular contributor on various radio and television programs, which is where I ran across Leigh, as she's a frequent guest on America's First News with Gordon Deal.
Leigh helps people with a variety of brain issues, such as anxiety, ADHD, depression, insomnia or brain injury.
Her understanding of the brain and the different methodologies that can be used to organically change the brain, is immense. Leigh, welcome to the How That Happened podcast.
Leigh Richardson:
Thanks so much for having me.
Robert Wagner:
Yeah, excited to have you. This is a very big topic, going on in the workplace right now, so anxious to get your insights. That's really what I want to start.
We'll get into your background and what drew you to this work. But I just want to jump into where the business community is right now.
We're talking with our employees a lot, about mental health. They're talking about it a lot. Some, they're expressing a lot of anxiety and just stress in their lives. From your perspective, what's going on? What's happening in our world today?
Leigh Richardson:
Well, Robert, the good news is, is that we are talking about it. We haven't talked about it for a long time.
We will talk about your physical health. Well, oh, you have a heart problem. Oh my gosh, you hurt your leg. We'll talk about that. You got to get to the doctor.
But we don't want to talk about, oh, you can't come in today because you can't get out of bed? You have to leave because you're so anxious? We tend to kind of ignore those things.
The good news is, is that we are talking about it. The question I have is, are we talking about it enough? I think that there's various answers for that.
The other question I have is, who's doing the talking? The chit chat needs to start at the top of the organization.
I mean, to have the CEO say, "You know what? It's okay to not be okay sometimes," that carries a whole different message than to have a staff member in the organization, a colleague say, "It's okay to not be okay."
Robert Wagner:
Yeah. There's so much to this. You talk about the top of the organization. I think as leaders, we're just learning, I mean, even though obviously this has been going on since there's been humans. But we're just learning about how people are dealing with this, what it means.
I know just in my own family, I've had that kid who just says, "I can't get out of bed." I didn't know what to do with that. I wanted to be empathetic to that, of course, but I wasn't sure what to do next. Of course, as a parent, you want to fix it.
You're kind of in the same boat, as an employer. As a leader and as a manager and supervisor, you want to help fix this, but it's not a normal business problem that you can just go fix.
Leigh Richardson:
Well, you're right, and that is our tendency in the state. But even globally, this is a big problem. We do want to fix it.
I think that the fix is there. It's just a different way to come at the problem.
Robert, I'm finishing up a PhD in psychology. I did it because I want to create social change around mental health.
Mental health is brain health. The brain is an organ, just like the heart is. We've got to start to understand that our mental health is equal to our physical health. That's something that we don't look at.
If you look at employers and you look at the amount of dollars that they spend on their insurance programs, there's far more dollars going into the physical aspect than there is mental.
Now, there are companies that do have some good mental health programs in place, but are they communicated? And even if an employee knows that EAP is out there, what will my manager think if they know that I'm using that benefit?
That's where it goes back to the talk and how we talk about it and who talks about it. It shouldn't be a whisper in the organization. It should be a full-blown scream.
Robert Wagner:
Yeah. Let's just stay with that. Again [inaudible 00:05:58], our listener base is mainly leaders and business owners, executives. What should we be talking about? What should we be saying? What should we be learning and then communicating to our folks?
Leigh Richardson:
Well, I think listening would be a really great place to start. How are you doing? Has everybody thought about taking a day off, a personal day off when they need it? Well, no, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Well, you know what? Maybe that's something that we ought to think about as an organization. Maybe we have PTO. We have paid time off.
I've recommended to organizations that they specify, you have X number of PTO days for mental health. You have X number of PTO days for physical health.
Start to create that equal. Put the balance in there because action speaks louder than words.
I mean, I tell people every day, at the Brain Performance Center, it's okay to not be okay. But when I sit down with them and I talk with them and I help them understand what not being okay means, okay, I can take action on that.
Robert Wagner:
Mm-hmm. So help us with, I guess that moment, that conversation, when someone says... maybe they say, "I can't get out of bed today." Or maybe they put it a little more gently for themselves, where they just can't come in. And then a day or two later, they do come in.
You want to talk about it, and you want to help. You want to be empathetic. Help us under think about that conversation.
Again, I'm sure listening is a huge part of it. But after you've listened and you listen with intent, what happens next? What should we be talking about next or doing next, for that employee?
Leigh Richardson:
Well, Robert you're right. People don't know how to talk about it. The employees don't know how to talk about it, really much better than leadership does. So, it's a hard conversation to get going, but just follow up.
The day after, "Hey, you were out yesterday. Missed you," or, "You were out yesterday. Just want to let you know, everything is fine. We're exactly where we need to be. How are you feeling today?"
Open up a conversation. "How are you feeling today?" "Well, I'm better. I'm better. I'm back." "Well, did you take all the time that you needed?" "Well, what do you mean?" Just start opening up that conversation.
Even having some mental health experiences going on, it's easy to have education done in the organization.
What is mental health? How does mental health relate to physical health? What can you do about mental health? Just providing answers, because the employees don't feel like...
I mean, there's power in a relationship in the organization. They're not in the powerful position. They're not going to initiate action because they don't feel like that's their row.
Now, if you want to empower them and I do... My husband works for Clorox. I am so impressed with the effort that they put in place, with recognizing the importance of mental health.
Robert Wagner:
Mm-hmm. Yeah. One thing that I became aware of... I have a daughter who works for one of the big four accounting firms, and they have, I think more than one day now on their calendar, where the entire firm is off.
It's not a regular holiday. It's not a federal holiday or anything like that, but the entire firm is not working. It may be like Thursday, Friday.
I asked her about that. What's the benefit? She said that it's about the fact that you're off work, which is wonderful, but everyone else is too. So, there's no email stacking up. There's no meetings that you miss, that you have to get caught up on. There's no projects that got advanced, that you're going to have to go step up to do your piece when you get back.
There's just nothing building up. So, you don't have that anxiety of I'm out, but the world's still turning and I'm behind now, like we get with PTOs and sometimes with holidays and things.
Leigh Richardson:
See, I think that's great. They're creating a sense of community around mental health, that you know what? How many times have you heard somebody say, "Ugh, was gone a week from vacation. It's going to take me three days to come out from underneath the bottom"?
So I think that creating a sense of community around, we all need to take time to pause and let it be, just let it be.
Robert Wagner:
Yeah. I mean, we just started by how we're talking about it more and there's more awareness. Is this something, like a lot of things, that was accelerated by the pandemic?
Were we headed down this path, where mental health is just a bigger part of the employee-employer relationship, that we were going to get here anyway? Did the pandemic just accelerate that, do you think?
Leigh Richardson:
Well, before the pandemic, one in four Americans over the age of 12, was either suffering from a mental health illness or a substance abuse problem. So, the pandemic did not cause what's going on.
Did the pandemic kind of bring it to an awakening? I think it did, because I think we've all realized, we've come back to Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
The pandemic, we were in the survival state. Got to be in a house. I've got to be protected. I've got to be able to just function on a very low level. As we went up that hierarchy, we became more aware of how basic our needs are.
We've gone through the Great Resignation in the last few months. I think that's people just saying, I can't do this anymore. I've got to take care of myself.
I used to talk about self-care a lot, and I still do. But to me, self-care is taking care of your body, exercising, eating right, getting your sleep.
But now, my conversation has shifted. I talk about soul care, because it's much more than self-care. You've got to get that mind, that body, that spiritual connection. You've got to feel nourished. You've got to feel appreciated. There's nothing wrong with that.
Robert Wagner:
Yeah. So you may have just given the answer to this next question, but you mentioned insurance and our insurance programs.
We focus almost exclusively on healthcare, on our physical health. Any doctor will tell you that the goal is really preventative. Let's prevent having a physical problem and all the things you can do to that, that's where we should be spending our dollars and our energy and our effort. Is there an equivalent of that for our mental health, that's preventative in nature?
Leigh Richardson:
Oh, absolutely. This is a true statistic. On the average, people will suffer for 10 years with a mental health problem, before they will seek assistance.
From the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 60% of the people that need help won't get it. And they won't get it because of the stigma around mental health.
Granted, a lot of that stigma comes from within. Oh, I don't want my manager to know I get anxious every day, because they won't put me out a really big project.
There's stigma from society, that it's looked down upon. It's looked as you're weak. Nobody wants to be seen as weak.
When you look at on an organizational level, just how many times have you thought about the people that you've been on a team with?
I want the best people on my team. I want the people on my team that I know will be there every day and can show up.
If you can make sure that you've got people in your organization that can be there and show up, then that's preventing a bigger problem. I mean, that's preventing the problem for the individual and the organization.
Robert Wagner:
Mm-hmm. So encourage help as early as possible. Right?
Leigh Richardson:
I encourage managers that I work with, to just check in and just say, I just want to... Once a week or once every two weeks, whatever works for you, whatever logistically fits for model, I just want to check in, see how are you doing.
How are things going? Are there anything in the process that's kind of gotten out of whack? Do we need to tweak the process?
Then take it down to a personal level. So is there anything that you need from me? Is there anything I can do to help you do your job better?
I think being creative, there's a lot of things that you can do on a creative level. I suggested to one company that they needed to take a conference room and make it a fun room. Put some Legos in one station and then put some chalk and a chalkboard in another station. Encourage people to go in and take a mental health break, play. There's nothing wrong with playing.
It's easy to do. Put some Play-Doh in there. You don't have to do a massive reconstruction.
We used to do a lot of team building outside of the organization. I think it's time that we bring that team building in the organization and look at the workforce from a human... It's a human workforce.
Robert Wagner:
Yeah. So Leigh, a lot of employees are talking about a burnout and they're expressing burnout. It's a big deal in our profession, because you have this compaction of schedules around various deadlines, that are part of the compliance business in public accounting. But it's true everywhere.
They're using this word burnout a lot. They're feeling that. So when you sit across the desk from someone, what are you hearing when they're talking about burnout? What are they feeling and expressing to you?
Leigh Richardson:
Well, what I'm hearing from nurses and teachers is total exhaustion, just fatigue. It's not just physical fatigue. More importantly, it's mental fatigue and the loss of hope.
Hope is just a four letter word, but when you take hope away from people, it is so disabling.
Robert Wagner:
Yeah. Very good. Well, Leigh, let's go a little bit into your background and what drew you to this, to working on the brain and helping people with mental health and specifically the brain issues. How did this happen for you?
Leigh Richardson:
Well, in my previous life and that's what I refer it to as is, I was in human resources. I worked on the organizational level, with behavior.
Worked with Axon Enterprises for over a decade and then came back into the workforce. And then with all the joint ventures, I ended up starting my own consulting firm, HR consulting firm.
We moved back to Dallas. When we moved back to Dallas, when my son was in second grade, he had been hit by a car, had a concussion.
We went to the ER. We got through it. Everything was fine, until he gets in fifth grade. He comes to me and he said, "Mom, you gotta help me." I'm like, "Well, of course I'm going to help you. What's up?"
He said, "My brain doesn't work anymore." I'm like, "What?" He said, "It doesn't work anymore." I said, "Honey, fifth grade's a hard year," 'cause it is a hard year.
He has a twin brother, book smart. They're both brilliant, but one is very intuitive and one is very book smart.
I said "It's okay. You will learn. You will advance differently than your brother." He's like, "You're not listening to me and you don't get it. My brain does not work anymore." I'm like, "Okay. Let's talk about that."
So he told me his memory was affected. He couldn't pay attention anymore. And what I had noticed within the fifth grade, was his self-confidence just took a nose dive.
Honestly, that's where my concern was. Because we'll get through fifth grade. We'll get tutors. We'll get through math, but you can't...
I mean, I have two masters and I'm in a PhD program. I've never had a class on self-confidence or how to build self-esteem. Have you?
Robert Wagner:
Right. Yeah. No.
Leigh Richardson:
Yeah. I mean, so that was my concern. I've got to step in. So I go to the school and I talk to the counselor and I explain it all. She's like, "Oh, you're a kid."
My son, I said, "So what do you think it is?" He's like, "Well, I got on the internet, mom." "What did you find on the internet?" "There's this thing called ADHD. I'm pretty sure I have it." I said, "Okay. That gives me something to work with."
So I go to the school, and I tell the counselor that he thinks he has ADHD. The counselor's like, "Oh, your kid doesn't have ADHD. He's never failed anything. He's never been a behavior problem. Your kid's lazy." I said, "Well, okay. My kid may be lazy, but my kid has asked me for help. What can I do to help him?"
She said, "Well, you can put him on Ritalin." I said, "So you're telling me to put my kid on speed? Ritalin is speed. You're telling me there's nothing wrong with my kid." She's like, "Yeah." I'm like, "Why would I do that?" She said, "Well, that's the only thing you can do." I said, "No."
So I started looking at things. What could I do? I found a neurologist, Dr. John Walker in Dallas. He was really a pioneer in the field.
We started with some neurofeedback. At that point in time, I had been in ICU once, with a brain injury. When I came out of ICU, I had lost my sense of smell. They told me that.
At that point in time, those twin boys were two. I gotta see. I gotta hear. Smell? I'm cool with losing smell.
You know there's more emotional memory attached to your sense of smell, than anything else? But anyway.
I was going on a regular basis. I said, "So Dr. Walker, I got to talk to you. Do you think this stuff could help me get my sense of smell back?" He's like, "I don't know," but he said, "Do you want to try?" I said, "Sure." I got my sense of smell back.
That was a light bulb going off. This is the greatest thing in the world. I'm going to figure out how to... I'm doing a career change.
I'll never forget. I was in an executive conference room, for a very large firm in Plano, talking to the BCIA on how I'm going to get board certified in this.
Here I am, onsite, as a consultant, but it was just so fascinating to me and to see the change in my son and to see the change in me.
I worked with Exxon, I had just finished an MBA. I had my twins six weeks early, and I just stopped reading stuff.
I mean, number one, who has time to read? I just really assumed that I was a little burnt out. And when I did the neural feedback, I started reading again.
I mean, for over 10 years, Robert, I read nothing but People Magazine. There's nothing wrong with People Magazine. It's written at a first grade level, no wonder I love to read it.
But just the change that I saw that it made internally with me, I'm like, gosh, I'm picking up books. I'm loving it.
So I made up my mind, I'll never forget. I called Dr. Walker, "Dr. Walker, come on in here. I gotta to talk to you." He's like, "Okay." I said, "So here's the deal. I've already worked it out. I'm going up to UNT. I'm going to do my didactic training up there. Then I'm going to come down here, and I'm going to do my internship with you. And if you're lucky, I'm probably going to go to work for you." He was like, "Okay."
That's what happened. In 2005, I got board certified in neurofeedback. I did go to work for him and learned a tremendous amount from him.
He's still in practice today. He's still doing the same thing that he was doing in 2009, when I left.
I had the utmost respect for him, but I was always like, "Dr. Walker, we should try this. We should try this. Let's do this." He's like, "No, no." I'm like, "Why not?" "Because we've got to see the direct correlation between the neurofeedback and the..."
I'm like, "Who cares, if we get him 200% better?" He's always like, "Well, when you go start your own business, Leigh, you can do all that." I don't think he ever thought I would, but in 2009 I did.
Robert Wagner:
Yeah. That's a great segue. So tell us what happens at the Brain Performance Center. That's an awesome name, by the way.
Leigh Richardson:
Thank you. I mean, the way I look at a brain, Robert, it's either regulated or dysregulated.
Yes, I'm licensed. I can diagnose. I can give you whatever label you want, but I tend to stay away from that because it's all about how the brain is working or not working.
There's four things that puts a brain into a dysregulated state. One is genetics. Brainwaves are just as genetic as how tall you are or what color eyes you have.
The second is physical head trauma, which is how I came at it, both through my son and through my head injury.
Honestly, I mean, my son never even lost consciousness. You don't have to hit your head that hard to change the way those neurons and dendrites are wiring and firing.
The third is emotional trauma. In my opinion, emotional trauma is more devastating to the brain than physical trauma.
I mean, the swelling goes down, the bruises go away, but that emotional trauma, that lives on in your subconscious.
This is a true fact, Robert. Every minute, the brain is capable of taking in 11 million bits of data. Research says that between 40 and 126 go in on the conscious level. Personally, I think it's 40, but doesn't matter. We don't have to do the math. Where does it all go? It all goes into that subconscious level.
I don't wish it on you, but if you're living life, you've had emotional trauma. Maybe it was that you were in the service. Maybe it was a bullying experience. My dad died when I was 12. I mean, that's emotional trauma. So, we've all had it.
The fourth element that really comes into play is stress. From a physical standpoint, every doctor will tell you, stress will kill you. Stress will kill you. Mentally, stress will make your brain dysregulated.
I think you mentioned earlier, the pandemic. I think that those two years, the pandemic introduced us all to stress, in a totally different way.
I'll never forget talking with Gordon, one day. I've done a radio show in the closet. I mean, we were all forced to operate in a different way.
I mean, I honestly believe everybody's brain is going to get dysregulated at some point in time because it's life.
Robert Wagner:
Okay. Can you define dysregulated for us?
Leigh Richardson:
Sure. For my son, it was ADHD. For a lot of the people that we see at the Brain Performance Center, it's anxiety, it's depression, it's OCD.
I consider autism to be a dysregulated brain because the autistic community just processes information differently than we do.
There's a lot of work in the addiction world, that addiction is a brain disease.
Now, are there a lot of bad choices involved in that? Absolutely. But it's a brain disease.
So anything, any diagnosis, neurological disorder is a dysregulated brain, seizures. How neurofeedback got started back in the sixties, was there was a guy Barry Sterman out at UCLA. He was doing sleep studies for the government, using cats.
He altered, what's now called their sensory motor rhythm. It put the cat into a seizure and he freaked. I got to get the cat out of the seizure, and he did. That's how neurofeedback started.
Robert Wagner:
Okay. Good segue, again. When you talk about neurofeedback, what does that mean to you? What does that look like?
Leigh Richardson:
Well, it looks a lot different today than it did back in 2005. Technology has just done amazing things for us.
Back in 2005, it meant, basically you were trying to alternate the power. It was always beta, the good beta up and beta, the slow stuff down.
We've evolved. We look at the brain now, from a whole head. Think of your head as a computer, with networks and hubs. Everything communicates and ties together.
First thing I do is, I put a cap on your head, on a head and record 20 minutes worth of data. That lets me look at three things in the brain.
The power. We all have slow, medium and fast waves. We need them all, but we need the right amount.
Then we look at the coherence. That's how the brain shares information. Let's say I join you on this show today. I'm trying to explain this. I'm like, "I can't think of the word." I'm like, "Oh, well, Robert, you know." You're like, "No, I don't know."
Well, frontal lobes and temporal robes, word recall's up here, verbal memories back here. If those two parts of the brain aren't communicating, I'm never going to think of that word.
Then we look at the phase. Phase is timing. A lot of times, if a brain is too fast, you'll see real impulsive behavior, maybe engaging in more risky behavior. If a brain is too slow, then maybe you'll see someone slower to react, slower to process.
Then we look at the brain, we look at the neuroplasticity in the brain as well. We look at that with it differently.
We look at that with low energy neural feedback, because sometimes the brain just gets stuck. If you don't have enough neuroplasticity, it's really hard to unstick that brain. So, we look at that.
We use neuromodulation. Once you know what the brain needs, that's the key. You have to do the analysis, do the data collection, analyze the data. Once you know what the brain needs, you send it to the brain.
The brain's like, yeah. Oh yeah, I like that. I want to do it.The brain will try to mimic it. It's called entrainment.
Everything that we do here, we do some biofeedback, bioresonance therapy, that focuses on increasing the communication between the brain and the body.
Robert, when I first got started in this field, I was so focused on the brain. Over the years, I've learned, the body keeps score of everything that's going on in the brain.
Robert Wagner:
Well, very cool. You used a lot of words that I don't understand. I guess, just to bring it to a summary and back the employer and trying to help managers and things, I mean, to me, the takeaways are, let's have conversation. Let's be checking in regularly.
Let's encourage people to talk about these things and make sure that they're dealing with it. That they don't go on that 10-year journey right alone.
A lot of things would happen during that 10 years, that would hurt them, even for a longer term.
So, encourage that discussion and getting help, as quickly as possible. Anything else you want to add to that list?
Leigh Richardson:
Absolutely. Because I think that for many of us, our job is our biggest sense of identity. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, that's my second home. Sometimes I feel like I'm there more than I'm at my house.
So, creating an environment where they feel welcome, creating an environment where they feel there's opportunity to personally grow.
I would reward every team that can stand up and say, this is what we've done for our mental health, as a team, on an individual level. I would reward that.
Rewards can be, pizza this Friday for the whole team. It doesn't have to cost you a lot. It's the public recognition that has meaning. It's not the pizza.
Robert Wagner:
Right. Right. Yeah. We are hearing that, and we're working on that here. It's the recognition.
We actually have a platform where you can send recognition. But man, the power of the handwritten note, it's very, very powerful.
Well, Leigh, I've really enjoyed our time together here. It's the brain, so there's no end to it. You could talk about it and dive into it and learn more about it. But I so much appreciate the time and the help, for us to think about this.
Before we close our time together, we do have five questions we ask every guest. So are you ready?
Leigh Richardson:
Oh, good. I'm ready.
Robert Wagner:
All right. What was the first way you made money?
Leigh Richardson:
The first way I made money was babysitting.
Robert Wagner:
Okay. All right. Good. So if you were not working at the Brain Performance Center and counseling and doing those things, what do you think you would be doing?
Leigh Richardson:
Well, thanks for asking that question. I started this PhD program because I see a shift. I want to create social change around mental health, but I want to do it more on a broader level. I think that organizations need to understand stress management.
Communication, the way you communicate with people, has a lot to do with what's going on in the brain. It really does. So, I see myself evolving.
Now, the Brain Performance Center will always be my baby and it will always be here. Thankfully, I've been able to build the staff, that will allow me the freedom to step beyond the individual treatment.
Robert Wagner:
Okay. All right. So what would tell your 20-year-old self??
Leigh Richardson:
I would say party less, focus more.
Robert Wagner:
Okay. All right. You've written a book already, but when you write that book about your journey, what will the title be?
Leigh Richardson:
Finally Made It.
Robert Wagner:
Leigh Richardson:
Okay. Either that or Never Give Up.
Robert Wagner:
All right. Okay. Last question. What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
Leigh Richardson:
To believe in myself, to believe in myself and trust my heart.
Robert Wagner:
Okay. Who gave you that advice?
Leigh Richardson:
My mom.
Robert Wagner:
Okay. Good old mom.
Leigh Richardson:
Mom's always there. I have to say, I've copied that. I use that. I have a gay son. When I learned that, the first I'm like, oh my gosh.
Then I could hear my mom, believe in yourself. I said, "All I can say, man, is be true to your heart."
Robert Wagner:
Yeah. Gotcha. Okay. Leigh, thanks so much for being with us. If people want to hear more about the work you're doing in the Brain Performance Center, how can they get ahold of you?
Leigh Richardson:
Well, there's the good old fashioned website or you can call. I offer a complimentary consultation with everybody that even walks in the door at the Brain Performance Center. That number is 214-329-9017.
If you just want to learn more about the Brain Performance Center, we have a YouTube channel. And of course, LinkedIn, Leigh Richardson and Facebook.
Thank you so much for having me today. I enjoyed it. I think that the effort that you're putting out there, will help organizations recognize the need. Okay, it's mental health. It's just like physical health.
Robert Wagner:
Right. Right. Well, Leigh, thanks so much. I appreciate it. Thanks for joining us.
Leigh Richardson:
Have a great day.
Robert Wagner:
See ya.
Leigh Richardson:
Robert Wagner:
Okay. Thank you so much.
Leigh Richardson:
You're welcome. That was fun.
Robert Wagner:
Yeah, good. I'm glad it was. It was fun for me as well.
Leigh Richardson:
Have a good day.
Robert Wagner:
Take care. Bye.
Leigh Richardson:
Robert Wagner:
That's all for this episode of How That Happened. Thank you for listening. Be sure to visit HowThatHappened.com, for show notes and additional episodes.
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